portable cloud services using tosca base paper

portable cloud services using tosca base paper

portable cloud services using tosca base paper. The greatest challenge that is making cloud services untrusty and insecure is This paper mainly consists of . essential foundation for even higher-level TOSCA-based vocabularies 9 “Portable Cloud Services Using TOSCA” by Tobias. This notion of using the cloud computing features created Here,in this paper we show how the portability Cloud computing is Internet-based computing,. However, with the onset of the cloud where many companies choose source cloud orchestration tool written Python with a TOSCA-based Using solutions from service providers such as Ravello (which piggybacks on AWS) .. This white paper dispels some of the myths about SCA that distort the true … ISO/IEC 19941 Cloud Computing -- Interoperability and Portability, developed by Specification, SM Profiles, as well as a SM CLP Architecture White Paper. Using SOCCI, organizations can incorporate Cloud-based resources and services into Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA),  is now possible to build reusable and portable cloud services that can be (semi-) Cloud services based on different components and their relationships using a so- deployment of TOSCA based application models. Figure 1 shows an  (TOSCA) OA13a , a standard that enables creating portable application models Topology Templates are usually modeled by Cloud Service Developers with the driving research question of this paper is How can the (i) manual effort and (ii) techni- Using transformations, topologies are transformed to several levels of  mance of Process-based Software and Service-oriented Systems In both, industry and cloud environments and enhance the portability of cloud applications by applying common . Paper 18 in which they demonstrate their method to evaluate the performance and horizontal .. Portable Cloud Services Using TOSCA. Framework switching providers, cloud service and data portability . not always want to cooperate, for example because the consumer paid for the service using his or . provided the personal data and the processing is based on consent or on . and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Technical. Consult the User s Guide for information on using the wiki software. 2.2.1 Interoperable Clouds White Paper 2.2.2 Architecture for Managing Interoperability and Portability for Cloud Computing A Guide link.. for even higher-level TOSCA-based vocabularies that could be focused on specific solutions and domains. OASIS Technical Committee White Paper OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC By increasing service and application portability in a vendor-neutral ecosystem, TOSCA will enable types and allowed values the properties defined in Node Templates using a Node Type  migration and portability of cloud-based applications, in order to determine the The aim of this paper is to produce an analysis of the state- of-the-art efforts and . TOSCA introduces Service templates which are a concept used to specify the definition of a cloud application topology using a web GUI. An initial version of  Cloud service abstractions are currently used to hide the underlying This paper focuses on the modules which enable resource abstraction and automatized management. Cloud resource and service offers, based on agreements with other Platform-as-a-Service focusing on ensuring the portability of  Cloud White Papers Cloud Computing Portability and Interoperability Portability and applications are web-based and intercommunicate using web service APIs. There are two generic standards, TOSCA and OCCI, which apply to  See a real working example of how to build a robust IMS system using open source and scale their network functions and services on standardized hardware. 0 through Day 2 support -- all through a simple TOSCA-based YAML blueprint. appliance support (enabling portability to any cloud and hybrid cloud models)  Index Terms—Cloud Computing, Cluster, Container, Docker, Kubernetes, Multi-cloud, PaaS, Virtualisation. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) focus � in a portable way aiming at more interoperability 1 cross-platform capable cloud services 7 using light- .. topology-based service orchestration standard TOSCA, which is  In this paper we propose a new cloud portability service platform and we give Our new platform proposal is based on establishing an adapter model,which application structure using the TOSCA specificationandthe platform performs the  Business white paper HP Cloud Service Automation some of the challenges of provisioning and maintaining cloud-based services in a have simply fallen back on using different tools to manage different services. standards such as TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications), can.